Sunday, January 3, 2010

Missy Vital Fitness 1st Question

Hey Missy! I want to lose 30lbs!! I've decided to cut my carb intake rather than focusing on calories (I'm taking in about 1200-1500 calories/day). Is that a smart move? What do you recommend? MICH.

Hi Mich, I think what you are doing is great! Cuddos! You have a goal that is definitely attainable! You are exercising and trying to change your eating habits, that is great. You are on the right track. I am glad you are not focusing on counting calories...if you want something to count, start counting the ingredients of the processed foods you buy (breads, pastas, prepared meals). Generally speaking, you should try keeping the ingredient list of the food products you buy, as low as possible (3-5 maybe). It's not easy to do, and there will be a lot of items you will decide not to buy, and that's good. Try to stay around the parameter of the grocery store when shopping. Produce, produce, produce, very, very, very important. Fish, chicken and lowfat dairy (try to stay away from is so processed it clogs up the intestines and makes it hard to eliminate). Try to incorporate beans and lentils into your diet. They are truly a super food!! There are some really good soups in the healthy isles of your local grocery stores. Or you can buy them dry (less expensive and you get way more), soak, and make your own soups or stews. Got a crock pot?? As for cutting your carb intake, remember there are two kinds of carbs: simple (starches like bread, pasta, rice and potatoes) and complex (fruits and veggies). Cutting the PROCESSED starches is definitely a good idea! But don't cut things like potatoes, yams and squash. Just eat them in moderation. Load up on all the veggies and fruit you want. Seriously, you don't have to just have an apple for breakfast. Have two, maybe three if they are small, and then maybe a 1/2 hour later, after that has digested, have a handful of walnuts and a lowfat, no fake sugar added ( like splenda or carageenan) yogurt. All I know is food and fitness and would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have! In Health, Missy

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