Monday, July 12, 2010

Flying With Kids

I have been thinking about all of the wonderful things that I wanted to say about my vacation to Costa Rica. However, what I thought might be useful was something different. While at the airport waiting to board our plane my boys were playing their PSPs (A big treat for them since I usually don’t let them play). It occurred to me how much easier it had gotten to travel with them now that they are a little older. When my boys were very young I took them on several trips without my husband. That means it was just me and them, scary! I took them to Germany, the East Coast, and Mexico in addition to other places that we went with my husband. I thought I would share some of the things that I have learned so that maybe one or two of the tips may make your travel experience better.

Here it goes….
Nurse – if you are still nursing your baby then plan to nurse on take-off and landing. It helps their ears to adjust to the altitude easier. With my younger one it would put him to sleep, double bonus.

Buy them a new book. Before one trip I went to the discount lane of the book store and picked up a huge sticker book for just a few bucks. It was great to keep them occupied for a little while.
Pack little bags. This works for car rides too. I get some brown paper lunch bags. In each bag I put something different. A few toys from the dollar store, a toy or game from home that they haven’t played with for a while, an edible treat that they usually don’t get at home, a few hot wheels, you get the idea. You want to create a little surprise in each bag. When they would get bored with the items in one bag I would give them another. Don’t let them know you have several bags that way they won’t just rip through them all right away. I always try to avoid candy on a trip. The sugar does not encourage sitting still and relaxing.
If you have a portable DVD player bring it. Our DVD player was invaluable the time it took me and the boys 26 hours to get home from Mexico. We spent most of that time on the runway in airplanes, or waiting at the airport. My kids held up almost better than me.
Choose a direct flight whenever possible. It is faster, less taking off and landing, less chance of delays and cancelations.
If you do have connecting flights pack your carry-on bag with things you will need in case you spend the night. Another lesson I learned from my Mexico trip. Luckily my youngest always had his blankie with him but there were other things that it would have been nice to have. Bring a change of clothes or two (depending on the age) and plenty of diapers, ointment, and underwear. Bring fever medication. You will be hard pressed to find children’s Tylenol at an airport especially the later it gets and that is when they cancel flights.

Bring small games such as cards, right left center, dominos, etc.

With babies don’t underestimate the entertain value of the plastic cups they give you your drinks in. When my oldest was a baby he played with 3 of the plastic cups for almost the entire flight.

Plan to be ON the entire time. After a flight I was always exhausted because I spent so much time making sure my kids were content. When I flew to Germany it just so happened that when my 2 year old would fall asleep my 4 year old would be awake and need something to do. There was no rest for the weary on that flight. So many times after a flight other passengers would come up to me and tell me how well my kids did. These were the same people who were looking very worried about the prospect of having a baby or small child near them on a flight.

And one last note. Please don’t let your kids kick the back of the seat in front of them.

On our way back from Costa Rica our connecting flight was delayed 4 hours. It was 10:30 at night (we had been traveling since 10 that morning) and we were all a little stir crazy. We played UNO, Right Left Center, Rummy, you name it we played it. Luckily we had bought a small kick ball in Costa Rica and packed in one of our carry-on bags. I found a deserted spot in the airport and the boys played soccer to burn off some energy. An airport security guard even joined in the game which the boys thought was really cool. Earlier we had lent it to a fellow passenger who was trying to keep their 2 year old entertained. My husband had put the ball in his carry-on bag because there was no room for it in our checked baggage. Who knew it would be so useful!
I would love to hear your suggestions on how to keep the little ones happy on a flight.

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