Thursday, December 8, 2011

Here We Go! Time to Exercise the Imagination

Here I am just two weeks before Christmas and I'm still just making lists and checking them twice. Not enough shopping, baking and general merriment going on yet. So, I got busy this week and began to check out potential gifts for my friends and family. First up, I sat down to read Here We Go!, Around-the-World Adventure, part of a multi-media creation of GrandCamp Adventures, a relatively new Atlanta-based company.
Cute story, but my first reaction was "huh?" My boys are going to wonder why their very own grandma and papa aren't taking them on extravagant trips to the Congo, New Zealand and China, among other foreign places, not that they want them to. My guys are all pretty happy exploring the hills and waterways that surround their grandparents' farm.

Then I slept on it. I re-read the book, listened to the accompanying music CD and checked out the Grandcamp Advenstures' website.

And I "got" it. I must've been sleep deprived the first time I read the book, because the whole concept behind Grandcamp Adventures is to foster imaginative play and storytelling between grandparent and grandchild. The organization's first story, Here We Go, takes readers (and listeners) around the world looking for their families' lost treasures -- photos, travel journals and other memory-jogging riches.

As part of the adventure, tech-savvy grandparents can navigate the online activities on their next visit with their grandkids. A CD of music (the Nobody Loves me Like My Grandma, lullaby version, had me grabbing the hanky), and various accouterments can also be purchased to complete the experience. These additional items seemed a bit pricey for my tight wallet, but the book and CD are reasonable and will find their way under my in-law's tree this holiday.

Sssshhhh. Don't tell them!

For more gift ideas, check out Kidwinks' 12 Toys of Christmas at Kidwinks. 

Kidwinks is your online resource for everything kid-related in the Chicagoland area. 

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